The Many Possibilities of Residential Tin Ceiling Tile in Long Island NY

by | Aug 24, 2017 | Construction & Maintenance

The look of Tin Ceiling Tile in Long Island NY may be very appealing to homeowners who are tired of the usual materials like drywall, plaster, and tiles made of mineral fiber or fiberglass. Having seen metal ceilings in restaurants and other commercial establishments, they may wonder which designs and colors are best in the residential setting. That’s really up to each individual, but certain styles may be more suitable in certain rooms and in particular types of decor.

Vintage Style

Throughout the home, metal ceiling tiles convey the impression of a vintage building. The style is appropriate for virtually any floor plan and type of interior and exterior design. Many people who live in old farmhouses appreciate tin ceilings and those living in urban condos do as well.

Pattern Examples

Tin Ceiling Tile in Long Island NY with a doily-style pattern can be lovely in bedrooms and in elegant sitting rooms. Those with floral designs are often suitable in those rooms as well as in kitchens and dining rooms. Geometric embossed patterns work well in any room too.

Color Considerations

The color of the tiles is an important consideration. These products are available in metallic hues that include silver, copper, bronze, and brass. They also can be purchased in a broad range of painted or factory-finished colors. This allows homeowners to create virtually any color scheme they like throughout the abode.

Bold Choices

People who are drawn to metal ceilings for residential features may like to make other design statements that are out of the ordinary. For instance, they may choose kitchen cabinetry, and an island painted in a bold shade of blue, enjoying the way the way a silver-colored ceiling complements that choice. Hardwood or laminate flooring that looks like wood enhances the impressive effect.

Ceiling Insets

Anyone who likes the metal ceiling look but isn’t sure about having an entire room with this feature has the option of getting an inset installed for dramatic flair. The inset might be placed above a kitchen island or the dining room table. Visit Abingdon Construction to learn more about this particular organization that installs metal ceiling tile.

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