A home that is not built on a slab foundation will typically have an underground level known as a basement. Any structural components that are underground are susceptible to a wide variety of issues due in part to their exposure to water and a lack of sun. Most...
Foundation Repair
The Challenges of Basement Waterproofing in Hagerstown, MD
Water inside of the basement, whether it's just high levels of moisture or its physical water collecting on the basement floor, can be a problem. It can be a problem because many basements are used for various purposes. Some people use basements for utility spaces,...
Why Taking Care of a Foundation Crack Repair in Mississippi Needs to Happen Now
The home foundation will last for decades with the right amount of care. Some lucky homeowners never have any issues at all, while others will notice that their home foundations develop cracks. When the latter happens, it pays to take action as soon as possible. Here...
Protecting Homes With Sinkhole Remediation in Tampa, FL
There are often no preexisting signs that a home is vulnerable to a sinkhole. Prior to its appearance, very few basic home inspections performed during the home buying process will identify this as a definite risk. This means that when it does appear, the homeowner...