Know When it is Time for a New Roof on Your Gainesville Florida Home

by | Jan 14, 2020 | Roofing

There are many situations when having a roof replaced, rather than repaired, will make the most sense. Homeowners seeking residential roofing in Gainesville, FL, can turn an old, worn, or damaged roof into a beautiful feature that makes the entire home look better. The following are some of the top reasons why you might want to consider a new roof for your own home.

Increases the Value of Your Home

Replacing the roof increases the real estate value of your home, even if the roof isn’t damaged or worn. Many homeowners consider a new roof a part of getting a house ready to sell.

Replacing a Worn Roof

Typical asphalt shingles only last 15 to 25 years. This is shortened by the elements, moss, and mold. You will save money by replacing a worn roof early, before it causes leaks or structural damage.

Repair Damages From Storms

High winds may take the shingles off. Tree branches and even whole trees can come down on a roof and create even more damage. If the repairs of residential roofing in Gainesville, FL are extensive, it makes more sense to replace it.

Completing a Remodeling Project

Rather than having a mis-matched roof after adding an addition, consider a whole new roof. This will give the house a cohesive look with plenty of wonderful curb appeal.

Turning to the skills of the pros providing residential roofing in Gainesville, FL, can transform the look of your house. Visit Duffield Home Improvements who has over 40 years of experience in roofing, siding, windows and service repairs.

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