Benefits Of Hiring A Slate Roofing Company In Port Washington, NY To Install A Slate Roof

by | Oct 23, 2017 | Roofing

If a homeowner is building a new home, they will need to choose a material for the structure’s roof. The same is true if they are replacing an old, worn roof. Most homeowners choose a roof based on the cost, the appearance, and its lifespan. If a homeowner is planning to put a new roof on a home, they should consider hiring a Slate Roofing Company in Port Washington NY. Slate roofs have plenty of advantages that homeowners won’t find in other roofing materials.

Long Lifespan

One of the main reasons people install slate roofs is because of their long lifespans. If slate roofs are properly installed and cared for, they can last up to 150 years. There have been plenty of times that the slate roof outlasted the building that they were installed on.

Nice Appearance

Another reason people install slate roofs is to enhance the look of the home. In fact, a slate roof can make any architectural style look better. Homeowners can find slate roofing in green, gray, purple, black, and red. They also come in a mixture of colors. Slate is one of the only roofing materials that can be used to create a unique design.

Highly Durable

Slate is a natural stone and is stronger than virtually any man-made roofing material. This material is very durable and is highly resistant to temperature fluctuations. If a homeowner lives in an area where the summers are hot and the winters are bitterly cold, slate would be the perfect material.

Slate is Non-Combustible

If there is a fire in the home, most roofing materials will burn quickly, which can fully engulf the home. Slate is non-combustible so, if there is a fire, it won’t spread quickly.

Water and Mold Resistant

Slate is high in density, which means it is waterproof. This is something homeowners want in a roof. Also, it is not affected by fungus or mold, which will ensure the health of the roof and the home.

While it can be costly, slate is one of the best materials to use for a roof. For more information, contact a slate roofing company in Port Washington NY or check out website domain.

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